mezzo on the move

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Location: United Kingdom

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Nice Dinner

Went to church today and met a nice lady. We were both wearing the same shirt:) She ended up inviting me over for dinner at her house with her husband and 2 young kids. She even came and picked me up and dropped me off afterwards. Was a really nice thing to do esp as she had only just met me. I had a lovely time. She even put me in touch with a cell group that runs on Thurs at the church which is really near for me. Can't make it this week as Melvin Tan is coming to play at the RNCM and I'd like to try and meet him. But will definately go next week. Really finding the church services excellent and encouraging. Will be good to be back in regular cell group meetings again.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Feeling quite Exclusive

Was ushering for vocal auditions and heard an interesting titbit. Apparently there about 400 applicants for last years postgrad vocal programme of which there were over 300 women and only the 7 of us women got in. Hmmm...feeling quite special. Don't worry about me getting a swollen head tho. The level of singing here keeps you humble. Everyone is progressing at an alarming rate. Fantastic singing everyday from your collegues really keeps you on your toes. Am currrently working on the lovely alto solo from St Matt passion. Tricky timing and wierd notes and no place to breathe...your typical Bach...bah! But breathtakingly beautiful.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

upside of ushering

Am trying to earn some money by ushering for the college shows. It pays very little but the upside is that I sometimes get to catch some of the shows. We basically take turns to be stationed inside the theatre. I got the watch half a jazz concert tonight.It was absolutely fab! The percussionist was brilliant.He was even playing on drainpipes with flipflops at one point. But generally its a realy boring job with lots of sitting around. Good time to look at scores tho altho I usually need a piano to bash notes on. Looking to get a metronome. Need something to keep time with the more complicated scores I'm looking at. Have decided to wear my purple dress for the recital in Leeds next weekend. Italian friends are warning of impending doom. Appearently purple is bad luck for the italians. Sheeesh...hope not:)

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Working with young composers

Spent the weekend in Leeds, working with the young composer I was assigned to. Was initially quite worried about what she had in store for me. To my surprise and pleasure she has written a truly lovely song for me to sing. Its its well with my voice.In fact all the composers wrote original and lovely works for their singers. We were all impressed. The song is called Are you a stranger to God. Its a dramatic warning to a sinner about His relationship to God. Quite cool but tricky. Gotta practice and make sure I do it justice. I am performing it in the Leeds school of Music on the 4th Feb. Quite excited. Was a lovely weekend. I stayed with friends and was absolutely pampered:)

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Mixed bag of a first week

Good to be back at work here. In some way it hardly seems like I was away. You know how they say that you shoud start the year as you mean to finish it? Beginning to understand that saying a little better. Was a diff week in many ways. People were a bit moody and lots are sick from the holiday partying etc. Also voices are a bit out of shape as least mine is. Its not the same when you are left to practice on your own. Really need a third ear to pull you up on your bad habits.
Feeling a little discouraged about my progress. Rehearsals start in 2 weeks so have devoted today to studying the threepenny.Other events this week also made me think about my social life a bit more. On one hand it would be nice to have more of a life outside college but then it brings with it a another lot of problems and complications. It would be a distraction I can't afford at the moment. Might be turning thirty but where I am in the here and now, I need full commitment and concentration. Still the worries creep in insidiously in the quiet times. No choice but to leave it to the Lord.Will be nice to go to church tomorrow. Am ushering early tomorrow before my own service for a Russian Orthodox service in college. Should be quite cool.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Flying off today

Chinese new year lights in china town

My parents!!

My family and gran!

Sheesh...where has the holiday gone? We're already into the 2nd week of the new year. Made some new year resolutions. Long may they last...Am flying off back to Manchester tonight.
well its been great being home and I'm glad I got the booking for theAugg 18th recital all sorted out. So for better or for worse, come the 18th ofAugg I will be on that stagestruttingg my stuff. Theres still plenty to do but I think it can be handled from the UK with Mel. Going back into Threepenny rehearsals. Haven't spent as much time as I would have liked on my music but heh..its been my holiday. So gotta get a movealong once I get back. Its going to be quite a term, preparing for the opera and puttingtogetherr rep for the concert as well. To be honest am a littleapprehensivee but I guess nothing is worth doing if there isn't a challenge in it.