Flying off today
Chinese new year lights in china town
My parents!!

My family and gran!

Sheesh...where has the holiday gone? We're already into the 2nd week of the new year. Made some new year resolutions. Long may they last...Am flying off back to Manchester tonight.
well its been great being home and I'm glad I got the booking for theAugg 18th recital all sorted out. So for better or for worse, come the 18th ofAugg I will be on that stagestruttingg my stuff. Theres still plenty to do but I think it can be handled from the UK with Mel. Going back into Threepenny rehearsals. Haven't spent as much time as I would have liked on my music but heh..its been my holiday. So gotta get a movealong once I get back. Its going to be quite a term, preparing for the opera and puttingtogetherr rep for the concert as well. To be honest am a littleapprehensivee but I guess nothing is worth doing if there isn't a challenge in it.

My parents!!

My family and gran!

Sheesh...where has the holiday gone? We're already into the 2nd week of the new year. Made some new year resolutions. Long may they last...Am flying off back to Manchester tonight.
well its been great being home and I'm glad I got the booking for theAugg 18th recital all sorted out. So for better or for worse, come the 18th ofAugg I will be on that stagestruttingg my stuff. Theres still plenty to do but I think it can be handled from the UK with Mel. Going back into Threepenny rehearsals. Haven't spent as much time as I would have liked on my music but heh..its been my holiday. So gotta get a movealong once I get back. Its going to be quite a term, preparing for the opera and puttingtogetherr rep for the concert as well. To be honest am a littleapprehensivee but I guess nothing is worth doing if there isn't a challenge in it.
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