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Sunday, December 04, 2005

Last teaching week

Where has the last few weeks gone? Its the last week of teaching this week. Its been 3 months already. Can hardly believe it. Been feeling worried about my progress thus far. You never seem to think you've gotten anywhere with your voice. But have had good reports from my teachers so hopefully I'm on the right track.Its been a really fantastic experience so far and now I have a better idea what goals to set for myself. Some goals seem much harder than others at the moment. Frustrated esp on days like today when I'm PMSed to boot. Its the singaporean trait of wanting things to work out yesterday!
Looking forward to Christmas with my family and the 2 weeks of R&R before the TP rehearsals begin with the start of term in Jan. Really thank God for good friends here who have been really supportive. We all have our quirks but so far we seem to have bonded nicely.
On another note am getting worried about the number of people who have started reading this blog. Hmmm...all I can say is... take my ramblings for what they are...ramblings...


Blogger Becky said...

see you at grace's party on the 30th!

2:41 PM  

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