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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

First Dress Reh

Our public full dress reh was on today and the feedback was that its a fantastic show. Exhausted and have rehearsals tomorrow as well with opening night on sat. Was supposed to go out for pizza tonight but am too tired to do anything other than veg at home. Have coaching with the Kurt Weil guy tomorrow anyway so better make sure I'm well rested. Met him for a few minutes today to run through the duet with my "hubby". A bit worried as he seems to want a rough edge to the singing. He was quite happy with our progress tho. Looking forward to our session tomorrow. Going to have to work out where that sits in my voice and how to sing it without straining.Am cooking some Sri lankan curry for a few friends on sat lunch. Bit of a potluck just to give us all a little boost for the nights show. XiaoTing ( Taiwanese sop) was our camera woman today. Must make sure I get the photos from her. Will try and post some here.


Blogger La Nuage said...

hey becky i was just looking at your page and noticed that you put in your own template. How did you do that? Where do you put the blogger tags?

3:28 PM  
Blogger Becky said...

its only one of the set tempates from blogger

6:00 PM  
Blogger La Nuage said...

ahhh i see. I'm trying to learn css and xhtml now...

7:06 PM  

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