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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

La di da

Had a email today from my teenage composer I'm working with for the edu project . She's really enthusiatic and has found some really nice verses to set to music. Looking forward to seeing the finished song. Have an acting class in a bit and am supposed to have prepared a monologue. Found one but haven't memorized it. Should be fun. We are now more or less focused on our opera rehearsals and are busy waltzing for all we're worth. The whole of Act 2 is basically us running around frantically or waltzing while remembering our lines. Its fun but exhausting. Gotta get into shape:) Am working on a great American aria at the moment with words by Gertrude Stein. Quite a feminist piece and loads of fun although the timing is awkward. The girls and I have started belly dancing classes to keep fit. Was lots of fun and then we started to miss the guys are so we're now alternating with salsa classes.Excercise should be fun after all. Also trying to get to a pilates class each week for my breathing and expanding middle..booo hoooo. Its almost Christmas! Where has the time gone? Sheesh...


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