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Friday, January 27, 2006

Feeling quite Exclusive

Was ushering for vocal auditions and heard an interesting titbit. Apparently there about 400 applicants for last years postgrad vocal programme of which there were over 300 women and only the 7 of us women got in. Hmmm...feeling quite special. Don't worry about me getting a swollen head tho. The level of singing here keeps you humble. Everyone is progressing at an alarming rate. Fantastic singing everyday from your collegues really keeps you on your toes. Am currrently working on the lovely alto solo from St Matt passion. Tricky timing and wierd notes and no place to breathe...your typical Bach...bah! But breathtakingly beautiful.


Blogger La Nuage said...

kudos to you! Awesome! I am thinking about going back to school, which is crazy considering that I am still in school! Dunno if its the best option for me, but there are definitely advantages.

1:03 AM  

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