mezzo on the move

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Location: United Kingdom

Monday, October 31, 2005


What a lovely weekend. I went up to Scotland with my Scottish friend to spend the weekend with her family. We spent a day in Glasgow and a day in Edinburgh. Was lots of fun and I saw lovely castles, Scottish tartans and the views were beautiful. The weather was not too bad with a slight drizzle here and there and lovely sunshine on Sunday. Her family were so friendly and made me feel right at home. some of them anyway

Its mostly pics of edinburgh as glasgow is not as touristy...great shopping tho.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Oratorio mixup

Phew! I got a letter in my box this week asking me to sing the alto part for the messiah for a church in bakewell in nov. It is in 2 weeks and I quickly looked through the score and Lynne was quite anxious for me as its really soon to prepare for. After panicking about what to wear and excitement about my first paid singing engagement in the UK, realized thats its in Nov 2006. Tee Hee. quite embarrassing....
Went down to visit my aunt and family over the weekend. Was a nice visit and I ate far too much food. Going down to Glasgow with a friend from college this weekend. Should be lots of fun and next week if our nonteaching week so will be a nice break.
On a down note my phone card is not working so although I can get calls I cannot make them from my room phone. darn!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

My first major role

The auditions for the ThreePenny went really well and the feedback from the audition panel after the audition was that I did good. The casting is not out yet but the director has told me privately that they have cast me to play Mrs Peachem next March. Phew...its a great character role and with a solo aria to boot. Nice!!!But then until the actual casting sheet comes out anything can happen...
Its into our third week now. The initial novelty has kinda worn off and we are all feeling rather worn down. Was really tired today. Got to get an early night sleep. Have to sing for team teaching tomorrow. The teachers generaaly like my voice but are pushing me hard to bring up my technique esp with the long phrases. Its quite a struggle but for a mezzo those long lines are a must.

Friday, October 14, 2005

First Audition

Had an audition yesterday for the College opera next year. Kurt Weil's The Threepenny Opera. Tried out for Mrs Peachem but the competition is fierce. We'll see how it goes... Nothing ventured nothing gained. Was nervous but did what I wanted to do so am ok with my performance. Am waiting a few days before cornering out opera director to get feedback on my audition. There is someone from opera north coming down this weekend to run masterclasses for us. I'm on at Sunday at 2. Going to trot out the aria Che Faro Senza Euridice by Gluck. Wanna make a good impression.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Found a church

I went to visit the King's church yesterday for Sunday service and quite like it. They happened to be running a 4 week series that evening for people who are considering membership. Was a real blessing that I happened to come at a time when they were running the series. Was a great intro to the church and its aims.Its quite similar in beliefs to Hope Singapore and seems like a place that will encourage and challenge me as a christian.Took a pamphlet about small groups and will call them this week to arrange something.

Saturday, October 08, 2005


Beethoven was an awesome experience. A whole choir of opera singers. The entire hall reverberated with the singing and we had a wonderful response from the audience. Left on a high and went to a local pub with some friends. There was a girl there celebrating her 30th birthday and she had a dj playing all the old 80s music. So we sort of crashed the party and joined in the dancing.Was great fun:)
Ok here are some photos of the hostel I'm staying in.Its only one of the 5 blocks...yes...its my block.

Next is photos of RNCM (my music college) which is right next to the Hall I'm staying at.

This is the main entrance

And the all important refectory...fancy name for canteen.

Here the Bridgewater hall where we had the concert. Its beautiful with wonderful acoustics.

Last but not least here are some of the lovely singers whom I'm chummy with. We've hit it off during orientation and formed our own support network. 2 sops and 3 mezzos

Here we are at the dressing rooms waiting to go on.

At the local pub.

Did I mention that people here are really tall.
I am standing in this photo with a bass from our year.
The other two gals are sitting down.

Friday, October 07, 2005

whirlwind teaching

between the audition, masterclasses and teaching, need to prepare plenty of rep. Could always pull of old ones but won't be as good for me as to tackle some new stuff. In every language both song and opera. Phew! tring to find some song cycles to look at. Generally the problem is still with the way I place my vowels. Got to concentrate that they don't settle on my jaw. Also getting a little lazy and starting to scoop for dramatic effect. Was told today to stretch my endurance more with longer phrases to access my lower abdominal muscles. Apparently pilates is the best form of exercise for singers. We were told not to do weights and situps as can build muscles that tighen up singing.
Beethovan's 9th tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing the B hall.Been a good time of bonding for us singers but must be careful about the finances. Some are quite free about spending 30 pounds on a meal. That about my budget for a week's lunch! the food is not too ex on its own but people here drink a lot with their food and that can double the bill. I hardly drink but the bill invariably gets split at the end. sigh....gotta start limiting the dinners out. Getting a little sick of cooking dinner for myself. But no cooking means no eating. Got a little grill this week so will try grilling something for dinner tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Its been a long day. We are singing beethovan's 9th on sat. The piece is really demanding. glad I'm singing alto. The soprano part is murder. Conductor keeps going on about singing without vibrato and the sopranos got quite upset as they said what do you expect from opera singers and then half of them walked out. Sheesh...drama.Anyhow got to be careful not to push too much...sleep...may sing for performance class tomorrow.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Harrow on the Hill

Got up at the unearthly hour of 5 this morning. Prob drove the folk in the room downstairs nuts rushing around getting ready. Got a cab to the bus terminal and got on the 0650 bus to London. Ended up sitting next to this Singaporean girl and her 2 friends who were studying in Manchester and now were on their way for a holiday in Morocco..How cool is that. Was nice having the company and had a nice chat down to London. The bus was quite comfortable and Got there right on the dot at 1115. Met up with Melvin who whisked me at top speed round London stopping for yummy and highly fattening food along the way. Was a lovely day tho it rained later. Arrived in Harrow on the Hill (my aunt's place) in the late afternoon and crashed at her place where she fed me yummy beef curry for dinner. Hmmmm...looks like the gymn membership is next on the expense list. Speaking of which, money seems to be disappearing at an alarming rate. Gotta start watching my expenses or I'll never last 2 years. Also thinking of maybe getting a job a few days in the week to give me some shopping money to buy pretty things...Boo hooo....I'm such a shopaholic.