mezzo on the move
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Had a nice lunch at crystal jade with the makan karkee from NIE. Was nice to see everyone again and hear the news. Aeree is having her recital tonight so am going to watch with Mari and Les. Should be fun. Having the flu...hope my cough doesn't act up.bah! Ting asked if I want to go for belly dancing party at Chijmes tomorrow. Its ladies night, sounds like fun. But better see how I feel tomorrow. Could use the exercise tho:)
Monday, August 29, 2005
Back from Malaysia
Was a nice long weekend with my grandma in KL. Its true that noone spoils you like your grandma:) Must have put on weight with all the yummy food and goodies she kept offering me. Was nice to have some quality time with her before going to the UK. Shes worried about me going, nice to know shes praying for me.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
I love it!
'Bach gave us God's Word. Mozart gave us God's laughter. Beethoven gave us God's fire. God gave us Music that we might pray without words' -quote from outside an old opera house
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Been a little worried about finances but God always comes through. Got a bursary from both NAC and RNCM and just today met an old friend who can help me cut down on the cost of shipping all my stuff to the UK. God has always blessed me with wonderful friends. Feeling so grateful. Can only trust he will do the same when I get to RNCM. Won't know anyone but I know He will provide. Still ...getting a little apprehensive.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
What to choose
Have a prepare a song to sing. Apparently I'll have to sing a song for the head of the school when I get there right smack in the middle of orientation week. Hmmm. Gotta be something comfortable but showy. Sure to be nervous but want to make a good first impression. Had a nice afternoon with Upbeat viewing the dvd of our show. We laughed, groaned ...had some excitement earlier this week. Someone stole Les's bag and the master audio cd of our show. So we only have the DVD...boohoo.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Cafe 211
I love the cafe 211 at the top of Holland shopping centre. Always good food.Had a wonderful dinner and chat with 3 of the gals tonight. Sigh will miss ém when I'm gone. 3 singers and a pianist so it was mainly shop talk but heh we live for our music:)
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Singing the Blues
Was a tough day today. My singing technique is not as stable as I'd like it to be and on days like today when I'm PMSed and generally feeling down its a struggle to get things going in the right direction. AR is very supportive and I know she worries about me. I really appreciate her. Wish the magic could be there everytime I open my mouth but sometimes all I get is sputters.
Did some retail therapy and then went for a CG. so glad I did. was all about facing your fears and hearing everyone else share their own fears made me look at mine in perspective. We all fear failure and not meeting the expectations of loved ones.
Well I guess I have to pick myself up and move on. I really want to sing the song I've chosen. I can do it, I know I can. Focus Focus and remember to use your whole body. Its so beautiful i must do it justice.
Did some retail therapy and then went for a CG. so glad I did. was all about facing your fears and hearing everyone else share their own fears made me look at mine in perspective. We all fear failure and not meeting the expectations of loved ones.
Well I guess I have to pick myself up and move on. I really want to sing the song I've chosen. I can do it, I know I can. Focus Focus and remember to use your whole body. Its so beautiful i must do it justice.
Monday, August 15, 2005
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Under the Weather
Predictably down with the flu after the excitement. ahhhchooo...
Everyone has been emailing their praise of the sweet...can't wait to view the DVD for ourselves. Hopefully not too cringeworthy. Mum's birthday today, so off to stuff our faces as a family.
Everyone has been emailing their praise of the sweet...can't wait to view the DVD for ourselves. Hopefully not too cringeworthy. Mum's birthday today, so off to stuff our faces as a family.
Friday, August 12, 2005
Our first Concert!

It all over so soon! What a great 2 nights. Its was obviously not perfect but people loved it! Our staging and choreo came over well and there was a good mix of songs. There were a few boo boos on the 2nd night (one false start) but I think we redeemed ourselves. People were so supportive! One downer was the black face of someone who didn't really approve of my singing this sort of music in the first place. Prob will give aca a rest for now but I had a blast and was glad to give all my friends and family a good show before I leave. Phew...Now have to to buckle down and prepare for RNCM
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
National Day Camp
Spent the whole of national day camped out with UpBeat at my place rehearsing the music and choreo. Productive but tiring...more comfortable with the music but gotta concentrate esp towards the end when we start to get tired. It gonna be a good show! Hmm also need to start exercising. Concert pants are a little snug...poo!To the gym tomorrow morning. Tomorrow is tech run and also going to pick up the flowers from J.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Its Almost Upon Us
Its official! as of 2 days ago we are truly sold out. Phew! given our ballooning expenses it looks like we might even break even. One of the best experiences from this concert has been the whole hearted help from friends and family. From the flowers to the photography, people stepped up to help. God bless them! Worked out that almost everyone near and dear to me is coming. What support!
We are rehearsing daily now. Had a promo concert at esplanade library this afternoon and tried out the new songs. Was just ok... weren't 100%... glad we got to try them out. Some could do with extra work. Esp. as we have a tendency to drown out the main melody. Still, its shaping up to be a great concert and we need to be comfortable enough with the nores,technical stuff and choreo to just enjoy making the music.
It might be my last time singing this sort of music. Still think I'm better suited to classical singing but this has been lots of fun. Talented bunch with big hearts (and lungs).
Committing the show to you Lord. Keep us well in health and spirits through this week!
We are rehearsing daily now. Had a promo concert at esplanade library this afternoon and tried out the new songs. Was just ok... weren't 100%... glad we got to try them out. Some could do with extra work. Esp. as we have a tendency to drown out the main melody. Still, its shaping up to be a great concert and we need to be comfortable enough with the nores,technical stuff and choreo to just enjoy making the music.
It might be my last time singing this sort of music. Still think I'm better suited to classical singing but this has been lots of fun. Talented bunch with big hearts (and lungs).
Committing the show to you Lord. Keep us well in health and spirits through this week!
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Printing Blues
Spend a good week on the programme design and then find out they are in the wrong format for the end had to call in professional help to convert the hooo...good news is that we are sold out for the fri night show and tickets for thurs are running we just need to make sure we have a great show..memorise music!
Monday, August 01, 2005
Emails of Encouragement from workmates
Whatever work you choose to do, it's always more enjoyable when you get to do it with good people.The friendship and support of my wonderful collegues have made my 6 years at NIE a pleasure. Flood of emails to wish me the best...humbly grateful...profoundly touched...
"Best wishes to your new pursuit. You are talented and that is the way to go to pursue your dream. We will miss you – your MCing; your voice over; your singing, and most of all your presence. This is not a permanent loss for you are still with us in thoughts and in your voice. We shall continue to look out for you in concerts. I admire you for your courage, strength and determination and this is a lesson for all of us to learn."
"I am very proud of you who dare to step out of you comfort zone and go for the passion and purpose that God has planned for you, I beleive He is going to use you greatly for the kingdom and I pray that no weapon shall come against you for your journey as Jesus is your provider and protector. "
"sing well, rebecca. a very cool future awaits for someone of your talent. "
"don’t worry about Northern Indian food in UK, they have much better than in Singapore "
"all the best rebecca. you have a really beautiful voice and i am glad u're going to grow it even more... enjoy and take care!"
"Next time when I attend an opera starring you, I can say that I knoe the star !!"
"Best wishes to your new pursuit. You are talented and that is the way to go to pursue your dream. We will miss you – your MCing; your voice over; your singing, and most of all your presence. This is not a permanent loss for you are still with us in thoughts and in your voice. We shall continue to look out for you in concerts. I admire you for your courage, strength and determination and this is a lesson for all of us to learn."
"I am very proud of you who dare to step out of you comfort zone and go for the passion and purpose that God has planned for you, I beleive He is going to use you greatly for the kingdom and I pray that no weapon shall come against you for your journey as Jesus is your provider and protector. "
"sing well, rebecca. a very cool future awaits for someone of your talent. "
"don’t worry about Northern Indian food in UK, they have much better than in Singapore "
"all the best rebecca. you have a really beautiful voice and i am glad u're going to grow it even more... enjoy and take care!"
"Next time when I attend an opera starring you, I can say that I knoe the star !!"
Family day
Decided to spend my first Monday of unemployement with family. Had lunch with my cousin and then spent a pleasent afternoon visiting with my grandma. Also managed to get the stuff for my visa application togather. Going down to the city tomorrow morning to apply. Hope I got everything they need. Would hate to have to go back again...its so far! Rehearsal tonight...back to memorising scores..