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Monday, August 01, 2005

Emails of Encouragement from workmates

Whatever work you choose to do, it's always more enjoyable when you get to do it with good people.The friendship and support of my wonderful collegues have made my 6 years at NIE a pleasure. Flood of emails to wish me the best...humbly grateful...profoundly touched...

"Best wishes to your new pursuit. You are talented and that is the way to go to pursue your dream. We will miss you – your MCing; your voice over; your singing, and most of all your presence. This is not a permanent loss for you are still with us in thoughts and in your voice. We shall continue to look out for you in concerts. I admire you for your courage, strength and determination and this is a lesson for all of us to learn."

"I am very proud of you who dare to step out of you comfort zone and go for the passion and purpose that God has planned for you, I beleive He is going to use you greatly for the kingdom and I pray that no weapon shall come against you for your journey as Jesus is your provider and protector. "

"sing well, rebecca. a very cool future awaits for someone of your talent. "

"don’t worry about Northern Indian food in UK, they have much better than in Singapore "

"all the best rebecca. you have a really beautiful voice and i am glad u're going to grow it even more... enjoy and take care!"

"Next time when I attend an opera starring you, I can say that I knoe the star !!"


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