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Sunday, August 07, 2005

Its Almost Upon Us

Its official! as of 2 days ago we are truly sold out. Phew! given our ballooning expenses it looks like we might even break even. One of the best experiences from this concert has been the whole hearted help from friends and family. From the flowers to the photography, people stepped up to help. God bless them! Worked out that almost everyone near and dear to me is coming. What support!

We are rehearsing daily now. Had a promo concert at esplanade library this afternoon and tried out the new songs. Was just ok... weren't 100%... glad we got to try them out. Some could do with extra work. Esp. as we have a tendency to drown out the main melody. Still, its shaping up to be a great concert and we need to be comfortable enough with the nores,technical stuff and choreo to just enjoy making the music.

It might be my last time singing this sort of music. Still think I'm better suited to classical singing but this has been lots of fun. Talented bunch with big hearts (and lungs).

Committing the show to you Lord. Keep us well in health and spirits through this week!


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