mezzo on the move

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Location: United Kingdom

Friday, March 24, 2006

British Hospitals

A friend of mine had emergency surgery today and so I spent the day in hospital with her. Must say I was quite impressed with the service and efficiency of the staff. Was a day surgery so we were home by seven. Been quite a stressful week as we now have a 4 week break ahead of us. Quite scary as we come back straight into our final recitals. Dates! Dates! Dying to know when my final recital has been scheduled for. I have been put in to have team teaching with a mezzo next term. Shes very good but quite tough. One week more till the Ireland trip! Can't wait. Getting to be such a grouchy cow...need a good break to refocus.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Its all been a blur

Been a while since I've blogged but the weeks are flying by. The opera has taken over mostly everything. Think its going well and people are happy and say I'm wonderful but every show is a new show and I want to better my last so the stress is on. Quite run down and so am sleeping in quite a bit. Trying to learn my recital rep in the meantime so I won't panic in April. Aim is to have at least learnt to sing all the songs by end of March with the correct pronunciation and rhythm and then start memorizing over the Easter break. Looking forward to going up to Ireland with friends in the first week of April. Will be a good break.
Photos for the opera are out so have to go and order them after the run.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Free Tickets

Got free tickets to see La Boheme tonight. Yippie! A friend ushers for them. Throat still sore did a diva and refused to sing for todays rehearsal:) My alternate was kind enough to fill in. Hope tomorrow is better. The shoes from wardrobe were murder so I went out last night and splurged on a gorgeous black pair. I'm telling u the shoes make the show. Can't do a thing if your feet are killing ya. Rehearsals and going well and we are well on the way to opening night on Monday. Have decided to bite the bullet and stay in halls another year despite the price hike. Really hoping to be able to afford another 2 years here so have to watch the budget like a hawk. Everything is so expensive!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Flu bug and Il Trovatore

Been down with the flu and sore throat. Been really depressing not being able to sing normally esp with all the stuff I have to prepare and the 6 hour rehearsals a day.Although tend to be more conscious of using my technique when my throat is sore so singing tends to be better. Got really good feedback from friends who came to see the rehearsals and they said I was great. Confidence up a bit:) Was a bit silly and strained my voice today when I should have given it a rest. Gargled with salt water and drank some luo han guo. Hope it does the trick for tomorrow. Got a stage and orchestra rehearsal.
Sweeny Todd was fabulous. The cast doubled as the orchestra and all were onstage throughout the whole show. Very impressed. Am going to catch Rigoletto this week and hopefully La Boheme next week. Have the chance to audition for Azucena in Il Trovatore for a touring opera company. But the sing might be a bit too much for me at the moment. Preparing Condotta ell'era in ceppi for Lynn on thurs and see what she says. Its quite a killer and am a bit self conscious of my Bflat.