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Saturday, February 18, 2006

Weekend visit

Rehearsals are going well. Our director and conductor are terrific and keeps making us push our performance just a little further each time. We finally did a whole scene. Am giving myself vocal rest for these 2 days. Been overusing my voice this week and am a little tired out.I am doing Mrs Lovett from Sweeny Todd for my first opera excerps in June. Hmmm...all these opera musicals...
Melvin is coming over to Manchester for the weekend. Will be nice to catch up and look at rep for the concert. We will be going to the photographer on Sunday to take photos for the programme.
Got my final rep list together, now the task is to learn everything. Stress levels are building up:) Had plenty of news from friends and relatives this week.Both good and bad. Still its nice to hear from them.


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