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Monday, February 06, 2006

Weekend News

Was a lovely weekend. Got a lift up to Leeds on Sat morning with a friend of mine and had a quick run through the song before the concert at the Leeds college of Music. The recital went brilliantly altho as always the recording we did at 3pm before the concert was crap. I officially hate recording...bah!Was really nice as my little composer's parents came up and thanked me after the concert. We also scored free tickets to the national opera studio opera exceprts that was running later that nite at the same venue. Was very good and must say there was one especially good looking tenor..tee hee.. Anyhow got back home late and slept in the next day and was nearly late for church. Met some of the girls for yum cha and then did some practising, laundry, tiding up etc. Quite a productive weekend if I might say so myself. Anyhow rehearsals for the three penny start tomorrow and I also have to look for a nice french song cycle to do for the aug concert.


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