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Location: United Kingdom

Friday, October 13, 2006

Bits and Bobs of news

The flu bugs going around so lots of folk are sick. Been cramming in the vitamin c. We start vixen rehearsals next week. I had not auditioned as I was planning to concentrate with Barbara but...a colleague left for RSAMD and her cover took over her part as Mrs Pasek and I got roped in to be her cover:) Hmmm 20 SPS points for 4 lines....not too bad. Got to learn them now:) Also have the Onegin(Spring Opera) auditions coming up. So the stress is on.
Had a friend from singapore visiting this week. Hes a bass and is working with Opus one ( a small traveling opera company) in Tosca,Il Travatore and Boheme. Was lovely to see folk from home.We went out for a nice chinese makan.
Also after my pc crashed last week I lost the files to my last website and splurged to get it redesigned by a singaporean web design firm. The draft looks cool...hopefully it will be ready by the end of the week.


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