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Monday, July 31, 2006

Packing up

Started to pack to go home. Hmm must remember next year not to leave my flight so late. School is closed this week till Aug altho the prac rooms are still open. Phew! Meet a french friend today to go through the french for the chausson.Articulaton and keep the 'a'vowels nice and open. Will try and get it programmed in for the concert. Will be seeing B next Monday and hopefully getting a list of music to look at over the break. Will be nice to get home and get cracking on rehearsing with Yan. Hope I have not left it too late. Also got to go check on the worrying ticket sales...sigh...hate having to plug tickets. Looking forward to catching up with friends and family. Seems like ages since I've seen them.
Need to clear the mess in the room so the cleaners can come in and do a once over while I'm away. No matter how many times I vacuum, I'm always deeply suspicious of the carpet.


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