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Thursday, August 03, 2006

Hoo Hmm

Feeling a little out of sorts today probably feeling guilty as I did not practice today:). Had a practice yesterday with a friend sightplaying at the piano. She was doing her best with very difficult pieces and I was trying to sing along in the tempo I wanted and it just did not go very well. Ended up tiring my voice and so we stopped after an hour. Getting a little edgy about the going home and the concert. Really want it to go well and you always want to do best for the audience made up of people you know. No idea how ticket sales are going but hoping for the best for the week leading up to the event. Sistic would have cost a lot more but I think it would have generated more sales, still not sure if we would have got the 50 extra tickets we would have needed to pay sistic. Still praying it will work out in the end. Have enough to worry about with the organization and of course my music. it always going to be like this to worry so much before a show?


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