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Location: United Kingdom

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Good friends

My computer has been out of action for a while:( There apparently is only one Fujitsu repair centre in the whole of the UK and I was resigned to having not PC for the year, But....a lovely couple who came to Manchester to visit agreed to lug my laptop home to Singapore and even delivered it to my parents. My parents sent it to Fujitsu who fixed it in a day and then another friend brought it back here when she came to visit me. So thanks to the blessings of good friends and of course family I am once again have the privilege of a laptop in my room...yippiee...thanks so much to all involved in operation laptop....

Meanwhile I have a shopping mad friend here visiting with me. We took and weekend to visit Brussels and I hope to post some photos later.. its was lovely! We gorged ourselves on mussels...the thing to eat in brussels along with guessed it....chocolates. sigh....anyway its rehearsals every day and shes happy to fend for herself for the rest of the trip. Feel slightly guilty tho. At the moment and waiting at home for her to return for her foraging at an outlet mall a hour away from the city. Will prob go for curry dinner at the curry mile.


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