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Friday, September 30, 2005

Curry Mile

Wow its the end of a really interesting week:) Have been taking it a bit easy this week but now that I know what is expected have to get moving. Need to spend at least an hour a day looking at music. With all the language song classes, I will bring in some old repertoire for now and then start looking at new things esp things to do for the mini recital I'm planning mid 2006. Maybe some American music?

We've been working hard on Beethoven's 9th and after rehearsal last night I joined a couple of the singers for a drink at the uni bar. Some suggested curry for we went down to Rusholme's "curry mile" which has the largest concentration of Indian eateries in the UK . We ate alike pigs and had a great time getting to know each other. Really lovely folk. Went back home and crashed at another scottish girl friend's room for some hot chocolate and a chat. Hmmm gotta watch those calories....I know I know....will try and post some photos next week.

Have got a cheap bus ticket to London for seven pounds return so will be going up this weekend to visit my aunt and family. After that must concentrate on building repertoire....


Blogger Becky said...

its actually better as the population of north indians here is much bigger than back home.

1:22 PM  

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