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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Orientation week

Wow! its a lot like uni in some ways but way more presurizing in others. We were all a little lost at first so we got to meet each other quickly trying to share info and get around. Its really people of all shapes and sizes from all over the world. And since we are all musicians, its generally a mix of quite outgoing characters. Folks also dress up a lot more at the conservartory. Esp the singers. No tshirts and jeans!The staff are quite friendly and are ready to talk to us about what we need to do. Which by the way is quite a lot.
Got my timetable today and its full. Am singing for the vocal and opera staff on fri and am quite nervous. I booked a practice room today and tried out the arias. Keep telling myself to just do my best and that's all I can do for now. This week has been quite demanding. Aside from setting up house, I have to select all my academic modules, register, set up my bank account. On top of everything else, I found out that I need to send in my registration for the masters course by the 1st of Oct to be considered. Phew, but I like hectic and am excited about the courses I picked and can't wait to start next week. Meeting my voice teacher next week for the first time too.
Been oo busy to attend the orientation parties but doubt many of the postgrads will have to time to go too. The weather has been really nice and cool not too cold...long may it last...


Blogger Becky said...

Hi! so far ok, my fellow singers seem nice, sure we'll get to know each other better though the year.

11:34 PM  

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